Even with proper diet and exercise, sometimes age and genetic factors cause us to have that dreaded double chin. Submental fat (double chin) can become a source of self-consciousness for women, especially because it’s not easily resolved by simply losing weight. Synergy is pleased to offer Kybella injections, which target the fat under the chin. As a result, your neck and jawline appear more defined. This FDA-approved treatment is the first and only injectable treatment for submental fat! Find out why our patients love Kybella and if it could be right for you.
What Is Kybella?
While Kybella is an injectable treatment like Botox or other fillers, it works differently to make changes to your appearance. This treatment is designed to break down the fat under the chin, leading to a slimmer profile. It consists of a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, the natural form of which is found in the gallbladder. In the body, deoxycholic acid breaks down dietary fat. Similarly, when injected into the chin it destroys the fat cells in the area. Your lymphatic system then removes the dead cells over time.
How Long Will It Take To See Results?
Kybella injections are quick – about 15 to 20 minutes. After about a month, you will start to notice more definition in your neck and jawline. We typically recommend 4-6 sessions spaced a month apart to achieve maximum results. Once you reach your goals, the results from Kybella are incredibly long-lasting. In fact, if you avoid large weight fluctuations, you can maintain your results forever!
Many women come to us, self-conscious about their appearance (especially in photos) because of a double chin. Kybella can help you feel confident in your skin again. Book a consultation with us to see if you might be a good candidate for this treatment. We look forward to seeing you soon!